The Great Lakes Science Center features a 120′ diameter dome to enclose an IMAX theater in Cleveland, OH. This dome is 60′ high and used a trapezoid geometry to allow for the placement of CST’s spherical wood panel system. The Aluminum I-beam framework was assembled with an “X” brace and the entire structure was assembled on the side and lifted into place in one lift.

The panels were individually lifted into place, covered with water and ice shield membrane and clad with Monel panels. CST’s dome is a geometric contrast to the I.M. Pei Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, immediately adjacent to the museum on the shore of Lake Ontario.

Client: Great Lakes Science Center, Cleveland, OH
Architect: E. Verner Johnson and Assoc., Boston, MA
Contractor: Morse Diesel International, Cleveland, OH
Engineer: Souza, True and Partners, Watertown, MA