The Discovery Channel is a favorite educational television channel and the CST team is proud to be a part of their growth plan. The Discovery Channel, besides having great educational programming, has many stores – often in malls throughout the country.

Part of their growth is an anchor store in Santa Monica, California, which features a dome on the front sloped glazing over their front entryway. This project features a 2-frequency, 5/8 dome – 15′ foot (4.57 meter) in diameter. The dome frame is an Omni*Hub that is attached to a 10-section boxbeam circle as it passes through the sloped front wall.

The dome is clad with triangular laminated glass supported on point supported brackets bolted through the glass. The dome has 37 hubs and 95 struts.

Client: Discovery Channel Store, Bethesda, Maryland
Architect: Leclere Associates Architects P.C., New York, NY
Contractors: Conti-Hurley, Burlingame, CA
Engineers: Sigma Consulting Engineers, Inc., Los Angeles, CA