CST is the only complete coatings technology provider for BioEnergy storage applications.

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When you need components and options for state-of-the-art BioEnergy storage solutions, turn to CST the global leader in the manufacture and installation of factory coated steel storage tanks, aluminum domes and specialty covers.  CST has been designing and manufacturing bioenergy storage tanks and covers for more than 30 years and has hundreds of satisfied customers around the world.

Component Comparison
Panel Type Zone Description
VITRIUM™ Glass-Fused-to-Steel Liquid
High specification 3-coat glass coating
High performance
Low maintenance
Sidewall, covers, floors
OptiBond™ Epoxy Coating System Liquid
Proprietary Thermoset coating
Exceptional performance
Sidewall, covers, floors, manway, flanges, baffles
Stainless Steel Liquid
Grade 316 or 304
Excellent resistance gas zone
Sidewall, covers, floors, manway, flanges, baffles
Uncoated Steel Liquid Can be used as sidewall in non-corrosive liquid zones

Glass-Fused-To-Steel Coating Technology
Vitrium™ glass-fused-to-steel is the premium coating in the digester tank market.  It is a single, strong, integrated glass and steel material fused together at 1,500°F (816°C) in a controlled process furnace.  The physical properties of Vitrium are especially suited for digester applications.  The hard, inert barrier on both the interior and exterior tank surfaces guards against corrosion.  Impermeable to liquids and vapors, it controls undercutting caused by corrosion and offers excellent impact and abrasion resistance.

Vitrium technology combines the outstanding chemical and physical resistant properties of titanium dioxide-enhanced (TiO2) glass with a highly engineered, ultra-fine glass bubble structure for durability and flexibility.  Our glass-fused-to-steel coatings range from 7-15 mils (175-380 microns) on the exterior and 10-18 (260-460 microns) on the interior.  All Interior sidewall sheets are voltage tested to be holiday free before leaving the factory.

OptiBond Epoxy Coating System

Our proprietary OptiBond™ epoxy coating system provides excellent corrosion resistance and long tank life for the finest epoxy coating available in the liquid tank industry.  In the process, parts are degreased and rinsed, hot air dried and pre-heated at an optimum temperature.  Part surfaces are then blasted with engineered grit material.  This creates a rugged 3-D surface topography ideally suited for better powder coating adherence, increased durability and long-term coating performance. Then they are powder coated in a proprietary electrostatic booth with precise environmental controls and cured at a tightly regulated temperature to maximize the cross-link bonding of the epoxy materials.

A uniquely engineered polyurethane topcoat is applied on exterior surfaces.  This provides added UV protection and extends the coating life in tough outdoor conditions.  A final curing stage through the oven is the last step in the CST process before our stringent quality control inspection – a high voltage defect testing procedure to identify any holidays, inclusions and thin areas in the coating.

Hybrid Tanks and Other Options

The unique design of CST’s bolted tanks easily adapts for hybrid tank designs that utilize the strengths of multiple state-of-the-art coating systems.  We can design tanks with different coating systems for the gas and liquid zones of a digester that create a unique storage solution that cannot be accommodated by concrete or field welded designs.  CST also offers tanks constructed of stainless steel and uncoated steel when design specifications demand these options.

Choose Between Floor Options

CST understands the complexity that can exist when providing floor designs for digester tanks.  That is why we offer options for our customers depending on their digester need.  The customer can select from Coated Steel (Vitrium Glass or OptiBond Epoxy Coating System), or reinforced concrete.  Concrete digester floors can vary from flat up to a 45° conical shape.  Utilizing our worldwide regional offices and Authorized Dealer network we can work with the customer to provide the most economical floor design and installation that is required for the project.

Featured Projects

  • Dry Bulk & Liquid Storage Tanks

  • Architectural Covers

  • Aluminum Domes, Reservoir & Flat Covers